Sunday, May 17, 2015

Week 1 // About Me

            I've always hated writing the "about me" because I'd much rather be talked to and found out as opposed to giving you my watered down version of who I think I am. Alas, this is an assignment so here we go…

            I am currently 19 years old and looking forward to celebrating my 20th next month. 
            I'm a Professional Photography student at Brooks Institute.
            Why photography? Well, I got my first camera when I was about 12-ish, it was a shitty waterproof Barbie camera, but it was basically a disposable camera with gel wrapping it with "Barbie" printed onto the side. Anyways, I finished my roll shooting my siblings riding bikes on our loop driveway and decided I liked it. So, my next birthday, I got my first point and shoot and since has upgraded until I got a Nikon D5100, my first DSLR. I had taken Photography in high school, it was a film course though, and it wasn't until then I began taking it a little bit more seriously and thought of it as a career. I hadn't created and shot my own idea until I took Independent Study my senior year and it sealed the deal for me. Zhang Jingna's Motherland Chronicles is also a reason I'm forever fucked and in love with this intense career choice.
            What else..?
            I recently discovered I really enjoy camping.
            I've always known I like hiking.
            I enjoy all sorts of music; Instrumental (like movie scores from Howard Shore, Hans Zimmer, Johann Johannsson), Acoustic Folk type music (Margot & the Nuclear So So's, Stokes,William, Roo Panes), etc, but not country music.
I feel like this is long enough and I've covered the basics.

Good Vibes

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel about having to write the "about me" section! Every time something like that comes up I'm always like, "Omg, who am i?!" haha. But the past year I've kind of come up with a basic one that I use on like Twitter and Instagram(:
    My first camera was basically the same. It was supposedly 'waterproof' but that turned out to be a lie haha. Do you know yet what kind of photography you're most interested in shooting yet? I've never taken a film class before. Did you prefer shooting on film? I'm a big fan of hiking as well but not so much the camping part. I'd rather not be terrified all night that I could possibly get eaten by a bear or something. Even if you tell me it's safe, it doesn't matter. I will still worry about it haha. Totally with you there on not listening to country music. I have friends who will put it on and I'm just like' "Really?" I've never listened to acoustic folk type of music. I'll have to check it out sometime!
    Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed learning a little bit about another classmate!
