Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Interview Questions

Here are the interview questions I was suppose to post a few week ago, during the actual interview I asked a lot more questions though.

How does communication with a client typically begin??
 (Emails, phone calls, interview) (How do you get the position?)

What does an email between a client and yourself look like??
            (Greeting, formality in body, “goodbye”, signature)

When you start actually shooting, do you continue to keep in close contact with the client through the duration of the project using these methods? Would you say it helps?
            (Because either deadlines changes, last minute change it set design, etc)

After you’ve finished shooting, editing, and processing, is there anything you email or say to your clients alongside the images? Or How does communicate end?
            (Like an email saying you’re finished, any problems, etc)
            (Thank you email, informing the images are on FTP or something)

Do you have an artist statement? How do you feel about it? Any writing on website besides a caption?
            (Do you feel like you effectively written who you are as an artist or a particular image?)

Did you notice how other photographers write their artist statement?
(Use similar genres and conventions or little tricks from them?)

Do you think that writing and the way you write has helped you in your career?

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