Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Week 3 // Understanding Rhetoric

           This weeks reading was unexpected. I never thought I'd be in college being told to read a comic book about rhetoric and identities. Sometimes, when I'm reading long papers for school I forget what it was I was suppose to be learning, but it really made everything super easy to digest and understand. It was super refreshing though, having a comic to read, I'd pick it over my other reading assignment for school any day.
          The comic made sense. Everything we write requires specific components. For example, if I emailed Zack right now I probably wouldn't write:
                       Aye Bro, What crack-a-lackin? 
            I totally meant to do that blog thing, I just got S-H-I-T F-A-C-E-D last night and well, you know how that goes... (;     So, didn't feel like writing it. I'll try to hit the next one.
                                                                                                          You Da Man,
                                                                                                                      Ziggy Zee

(I'm so sorry that was a painful example to write... crack-a-lackin?.. yeah. punch me.) I have to keep in mind my audience, the purpose, identity, and so forth. The reading did a good job in displaying that. Putting on certain costumes to represent your identity that in return affect the responses you get. So, I should probably be a bit more formal and say something like:

            I understand that the reading and blog should have been completed yesterday, however, I was experiencing technical difficulties and was unable to publish the post. While I also understand I should have completed my assignment earlier, I sincerely apoligise and hope you will consider giving me credit for it. 
                                                                                                               Thank you,
                                                                                                                     Zhané A. Ritchie 
That makes sense, right?
I take on the identity of a student because he assumed the role of professor instead of a homie.
Yeah, definately.
(I think I blogged somewhat correctly.)

Good Vibes


  1. I thought this was pretty hysterical myself. Zack I hope you're reading this shit because this post might be the best of them all. Explains the material perfectly with some sprinkle of fun involved. Loved how you related it to emailing Zack. Definitely gave me a good chuckle. I hope you read the Murder Rhetorically, cauuuusssee ya frothed over the comic book and didn't mention the other reading one ;) Nice post Zhané

    P.S. - What is this background, it's trippin' me out

  2. I'm glad you did not just bash the comics like everyone else. I totally agree in the sense that I would rather read the comic than some of the other boring things I have been asked to read at school. I love your examples, they are easy to relate to which makes them easier to understand. You did a great job explaining the whole concept of a writing identity, whilst being funny. Kudos dude.

  3. I'm glad you did not just bash the comics like everyone else. I totally agree in the sense that I would rather read the comic than some of the other boring things I have been asked to read at school. I love your examples, they are easy to relate to which makes them easier to understand. You did a great job explaining the whole concept of a writing identity, whilst being funny. Kudos dude.

  4. Well, at least you liked the comic. I didn't get the same feeling about it. It's probably because I can't stand being told what to read. I don't like to read to begin with, (don't judge), and this didn't help me either. It wasn't as bad as the previous weeks reading, I'll give you that. I did like the way you broke things down with your examples though. By the way, were you able to find the "Why Rhetoric?" pgs 35-54? I couldn't find the article, so I just wrote about the "Writing Identities" article alone.

  5. Thought your examples were pretty funny and made a whole lot of sense. I liked the idea of using a comic book but I couldn't stand the way one of the characters were drawn. It was the girl with her glasses, they looked like really ugly goggles to me and was really distracting, but I guess thats just me.

  6. I'm reading. :)

    I have no problem with your examples, Zhane. You're doing great work here. Keep it up.


  7. I'm reading. :)

    I have no problem with your examples, Zhane. You're doing great work here. Keep it up.

