Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Week 4 // Everythings an Argument

            I must say, not sure if I didn't like this reading or not. While I know there are many different forms of arguments, I personal believe only one type should actually be used and, according to the reading, the Rogerian argument is probably just that. I feel like arguing for the sake of being right and drowning out another person accomplishes nothing. We're all too fucking busy to waste time being in a yelling match and trying to make every think and act the same way as we all do. Learn and be open minded to what is being said, TRY to understand. This doesn't mean you're admitting being wrong, you just understand why the other feels like that and gained a new perspective, no matter how messed it is. At least s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g comes out of it. You shouldn't try to convince or persuade, period. Lay down the facts, if they want to be ignorant and dismiss it well, that's just a shitty person. But, (sorry, reading as I type) I guess that's actually arguments to explore that I just described, but it makes sense that if you don't have all the information and simply assume something. If you're doing that though, as soon as new information is provided, you will adjust your stance accordingly.

            Oh goodness, so many reasons to argue, but now that I think about it we are always arguing. Arguing whether or not we should do our assignments or chill, arguing if we should get out of bed or sleep for another half hour. Yeah... I get it.

Good Vibes


  1. I don't believe in yelling and I do believe that having a debate in a constructive way can help reach a point of critical thinking for both parties. I guess that's why my dad has always pushed me to become a lawyer, that I enjoy debating and getting people to think.

  2. i agree with you and this statement i think arguing gets you no where and is pointless. Why can't people just hear each others opinion? Does it really take up that much time? I don't know I don't waste time arguing and if people have problem that's their problem that's just the way I see it.
