Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Week 3 // Artists' Statements

            The artists' statements I read kind of varied. For example, Zhang Jingna, a photographer I've always been fond of, only had a simple about me, like where she was from and when she was born, and then proceeded to list of awards she has received while Christian Paul wrote about his vision and what photography means to him. I'm kind of torn between which approach I liked best.
            So, all of the artists' statements stayed pretty short and concise. I'm kind of just sitting here trying to write my own artist's statement and I don't know whether or not to do a short about me and things I've accomplished or what all of this really means to me. At the same time, I feel like statements are a preview to the work that is actually done. Like with Jingna, her photography represents where she is from and what she values and all of her awards basically testifies her life and how she feels about it. Paul's tells you what photography is to him and what it should do and it really show's in his work as well. So, I guess an artist statement is just suppose to represent your art and who you are as an artist before we move forward to actually feasting our eyes upon it.

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