Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Week 4 // My Artist Statement

            So, After our last class I'm pretty sure this is wrong. But, here is my first draft I wrote for the assignment:

Reality is a prison and the surface is a lie.
I want to show you something more, the things others don't see that haunts us, the raw emotion we're told to conceal. But, I also want to show you something good, something pure, the thing we lost when we made the transition from child to adult; 
I want to show you complete self-honesty.

            That's it. I have the habit of listening to epic movie scores when I write, so things just kind of burst out of me when I'm told to write something I'm passionate about or when doing something like this. But, honestly, I found it bullshit that getting "too deep" is a no, no. As artists we're always feeling and always seeing something from a new perspective. If I have a piece that's "deep" I'm going to tell you something "deep."That's it. I'm not going to adjust because when you see an image of, for example, a homeless man all you see is a homeless man while I see a human being, a story, and a heart. I'm going to do that man justice by giving him an equally standing artist statement for the collection.

I'm definitely not dissing the assignment though, I like it.

Good Vibes

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