Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Week 6 // Final Email

            I'm not going to lie. I didn't write the email. I chose a Brooks Alumni that I'm friends with and shot him a text explaining what I'm doing, so I'll just post the text and how my email should have looked.

Hey Bobby, In my Eng 201 class we have to interview someone in a field we're interested in about their writing and the type of writings that have to do; emails to clients and so forth. I was wondering if you would be able to help me out and let me interview you for this project?


            How was your trip photographing those artists? The shots looked amazing and it made me want to ask you to do an interview with me. I'm currently in English 201 at Brooks Institute and I have a project to interview an artist or someone in a field I'm interested in about the writing you have to do in your field.
           I know you graduated from Brooks Institute studying Visual Journalism, but I know you do a lot of Professional Photography work and I believe I could learn a lot from you and better prepare myself to enter the work force and create better relationships with future clients by having this interview with you. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if this would be possible or if you have any further questions so we can discuss a date that would best suit your schedule to make this happen.

Zhane A. Ritchie
Brooks Institute
[Email Address]
Mobile 123.456.7890

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